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Reducing Your Organizations Carbon Footprint Through Video

With all due respect to the naysayers, climate change is happening. You can find the evidence in the research that claims the US is second only to China when it comes to global pollution levels.

Understandably more and more organizations want to do their part to reverse climate change, as even the smallest contributions can quickly add up.

What is a carbon footprint?

Carbon footprint is the measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere from activities of an individual, organization, or a community.

If you have no idea what your organization’s carbon footprint is, don’t worry. You can either hire a specific green consultant or designate an internal employee to manage and oversee green initiatives. You can also find a carbon footprint calculator here to begin getting a handle on your footprint.

When you reduce your carbon emissions you reduce your CO2 contribution. There are many ways organizations can help create a more sustainable workplace. When you think reducing carbon footprint, you probably don’t immediately think of a video platform, yet there are many ways a video platform can help. Here’s how:

Reduce travel

One of the easiest and most obvious ways to quickly reduce emissions is to reduce business travel. With an enterprise video platform, people connect through video and avoid unnecessary trips. When we think of travel we often think about long and extensive travel requiring a plane trip, however travel can also mean commuting within your home town. With more and more employees working from home, it’s time to leverage video technology to virtually meet instead of physically doing so at a physical workplace.

Reduce printing

Do you know how much your printing costs are? Buyer’s Laboratory reports that 90% of companies fail to track printing costs. Further, the Gartner Group has found that many companies can potentially reduce their printing expenditures by anywhere from 10% to 30%. This isn’t too surprising when we consider that many organizations still rely on a huge binder of printed material for employee onboarding. With video technology, employee onboarding information can all be accessed through short quick video tutorials. Also, because videos can be tagged and categorized, employees can find the information they need faster than before. 

Educate your staff

Finally, if you have a video solution, why not make short videos educating employees on the many ways they can contribute to helping reduce the organization’s footprint? If the video proves popular, why not also create an entire channel devoted to green initiatives? You could create specific segments on understanding what carbon emissions are, how to reduce printing at work, and even how to make positive changes at home.

Employee education is one of the most important elements in your quest for sustainability. Make sure each employee is equally informed and instructed on how to follow the new environmental strategy. You might also want to consider creating an incentive scheme so that employees and teams are rewarded for their efforts.

What are you doing at your workplace to help reduce your carbon emissions?

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