Industry Insights

Marketing Automation on CMS-Connected An All Star Cast

Jade Carter

By Jade Carter

January 10, 2014

In December we aired our show on Marketing Automation with a slew of fantastic guests that really helped make this one of our most enjoyable shows to date; although last month with Seth was also a hoot. We had 3 separate interview segments which kept the production team on their heels and gave our viewing audience a diverse range of discussion to chew on. We really enjoyed this show and look forward to similar broadcasts in 2014.

CMS Heavyweights in the News

Sitecore finally joined the ‘buy up other people’s awesome stuff’ club with their acquisition of Scott agreed this was a ‘big deal’ in part because Sitecore has placed itself well in the industry over the years without the need to build their value through assimilation. However, claiming that they are the first “enterprise cms with an integrated commerce application” was a bit rich since there are others in the space that can boast the same thing.

OpenText landed in the news again, but for a much different reason. They’ve actually developed a product! In a do or die move, OpenText has “choreographed a release of features and software advances across their Enterprise Information Management (EIM) suite”. Read the full article here. This also is a ‘pretty big deal’.

The team then welcomed SetSeed’s Ben Vallack via Skype who took some time out drinking bottomless cups of tea to teach us a little bit about SetSeed CMS and their desire to rewrite the WYSISYG way of life. View the segment on this page:

Scott Liewehr and Ben Vallack

Failing at Omnichannel Customer Experience

After our conversation with Ben we jumped into our last news story originating from a feature on CMS Wire which exposed a real challenge with the way that organizations are interacting with their clients across multiple channels. It makes a lot of sense and people are just becoming fed up after being ignored year after year. “73 % of consumers think companies are paying more attention to generating sales across multiple channels than in delivering a consistent and seamless customer service experience.” View the segment here and the original article here.

Our most consistently happy and jovial guest Thom Robbins from Kentico checked in and gave us a great back and forth with Scott regarding all things marketing automation. In layman’s terms, our audience is able to learn about some key aspects of marketing automation without needing a glossary to help define a bunch of jargon. The Marketing Automation segment with Thom Robbins starts here.


Have you seen this Google bashing, BING ad feature the head Dad and Son from Pawn Stars? It’s pretty darn hilarious. Check it out here.

What’s all this Talk of Wordpress

Yes, we interrupt Marianne Kay’s busy day and ask her to share her thoughts on Wordpress, the darling of the internet which makes up 18% of websites. Marianne is a content management strategist with Digital Clarity Group and based in the UK. She seemed right at home talking tech talk with Scott and Butch, covering her views on Wordpress. We commend her for her job, since it’s pretty difficult to sum up Wordpress in the 10 minutes that she had to work with. Watch the segment here.

End of the Year Rapid Fire

The last Rapid Fire of 2013 had a few blockbusters; from Salesforce missing the mark with the Social Enterprise to the huge success of the Gilbane Conference. Interestingly the piece that challenged content audits as being a waste of time didn’t get much ridicule (even on the page contents). While the article is likely a bit misleading (guarantee there was analysis) since there would have been a definite update to the site architecture and structure as well as some manner of traffic assessment/content analysis.

See below for the articles referenced in the Rapid Fire segment and don’t forget to register to the next show!


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Jade Carter

Jade Carter

Jade is a content writer for CMS-Connected, facilitating the needs of the company blog. Bringing 10 years of Search and Digital Marketing to the table, he strives to build informative, relevant and fun editorial posts for the blog feed. Jade is an ultra distance (26.2 miles+) trail runner and lives to run trails in and around his home town of Victoria, BC.

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