Organize Your Content Marketing Workflow for Optimal Teamwork
How would you rate the current condition of your content marketing workflow?
Do you constantly have content delivered to you late, or find troubles trying to get everything signed off and completed in time? Does your content end up being left floating around your inbox or cloud storage, constantly reminding you that you’re wasting both time and money?
If this sounds like your business, it’s time to make a change that can help you take your content marketing creation process to the next level. Today, we’re going to explore seven ideas that can help you to take back control, managing your teams effectively and begin seeing some real results.
#1 - Define Your Team’s Positions
Consider how many people you’ve got in your content creation team and what roles they each perform. If you’re unable to tell an individual their role in the process, this is the first problem that you’ll need to address.
If everybody in your team is doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that, you’re going to find that certain jobs will be left out and won’t be completed effectively. Everybody in your teams should have a defined role that they stick to, so all the bases are covered.
#2 - Identify the Purpose of the Position
Hand in hand with the consideration above, once everybody is in their positions, you need to make sure every person in your team knows what their position entails.
“This is so there is minimal room for misunderstanding and miscommunication, and you can hold people accountable when certain tasks are late or haven’t been carried out” – explains Rhona Scholz, a Content Marketer at UKWritings and Huffington Post expert writer.
#3 - Create a Content Workflow
Every business and content creation team will have a different process, but all teams will have a list of tasks that need to be completed from the start of a piece of content to when it’s published. Start by writing down each task along the way, much like a checklist you can refer to ensure everything is being produced on time and doesn’t miss a critical process.
Don’t forget there is a tonne of online tools available to help you create an optimised content workflow. To get started, check out writing guides like Via Writing to improve your writing skills which you can then use proofreading tools like Ox Essays.
#4 - Dedicate a Team Member per Project
So, if you’ve carried out the points above, you should have a rather organized content creation team where everybody knows what they are doing and what steps need to be taken in order to produce high-quality content in time and on budget.
The next step is to choose a team member for every project that you run so it can be overlooked and managed. This is a person that will ideally be able to identify any problems that could come up before they happen and will have the logic and reasonability to choose what the best course of action to take is to confront and solve these issues.
#5 - Experiment with Using Tools
There is a wealth of online tools available that can help you to carry out all kinds of tasks that could help you to automate and simplify your content creation process. For example, you could use team apps and cloud storage platforms like Dropbox or Evernote to bring your team together, so all the content sits in one place and can be accessed by all the members of your team.
If you want to make things incredibly organized, you can try creating a folder for each stage of the content creation process, so you can physically see a piece of content moving through the steps to being completed.
If you’re looking for tools that can help you create accurate content quickly, assisting your team members, you can use grammar and editing tools like Grammarix and Big Assignments.
#6 - Content Analysis
This should be completed both before and after a piece of content has been created and you’ll need to make sure that you have somebody who is responsible for carrying out this task and handling the information that comes from it.
This is a process where your uploaded content is analysed for its performance to see what features, keywords and styles work and then relay this information to the creative team members at the beginning of the content creation process, so they can implement the benefits from the start.
If this process takes a long time and it’s affecting your content creation process, you can always invest in the help of professional copywriting services like Elite Assignment Help who can create your content on your behalf or tools like Writing Populist for formatting your content and ensuring it’s the right length.
#7 - Identify Problems and Address Them
Of course, if you’re implementing a new way of working with your team, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to go off without a hitch. Try implementing the changes over the course of a month so you can slowly see any problems that are being created and then address them before they start harming the productivity levels of your team.
If late delivery is an issue for your business, it can be worthwhile creating goals and targets for your team to aim towards. For example, using tools like Best British Essays, you can set daily word targets for your teams to try and meet. If your problem is with formatting, try using content formatting tools like Resumention, a similar service to the ones recommended by Huffpost article here.
As you can see, there are many steps you can take in order to optimise and streamline your content creation process. By dedicating roles and creating accountability for a team’s actions, you’ll be able to monitor and manage every aspect of your process, helping you to make it run like a well-oiled machine.
Gloria Kopp
Gloria Kopp is a Marketing Automation Manager at Academized. She is a guest writer at The Tab, Semrush and Australian Help blogs. Gloria is an author of Studydemic blog for tutors and writers.