Industry Insights

What Happened in 2015 & What's Next in 2016

On January 28th, Alan Pelz-Sharpe and Butch Stearns reviewed the news and events that shaped 2015 and predictions for the content management industry in 2016.  Also, Amy Martyn from Falcon-Software reviewed Sitefinity CMS and the changes made since the acquisition of Telerik by Progress.  


Jan 2016 - Show Segments

Headline News

Recap of 2015

Alan Pelz-Sharpe and Butch Stearns discuss the year that was being that it was such a pivotal year in history for the CMS Industry & the Tech Industry as a whole. Alan sums up the year with one word, 'consolidation'.

CMS Insider

CMS Insider - 2016 Predictions

Alan Pelz-Sharpe and Butch Stearns dive into the predictions and trends for the content management industry for 2016. Will we see more e-commerce options, large vendors incorporating more digital marketing features, or CRM starting to dominate?